I was supposed to run a game of Dungeon Crawl Classics this past weekend, unfortunately, it didn't happen. I sketched out the rooms of the dungeon because I was trying to cover for some possible shortcomings I may have as DM due to my inexperience running games ( also, it's quite fun!). My thinking was that should I miss a detail, or fail in words to communicate the area, the players could rely on the sketches to give them a better idea of what was around them and make more informed decisions of what to do.
Also, in the interest of saving time, I created some pregenerated characters ( in most games, players generate these themselves). I couldn't stop myself from designing them as well ( again- it's quite fun). The game did not happen, but I did not want all the files to be sitting on my hardrive for all time, unseen.
* For those in the know, and keeping score- Laurelia's armor and short sword are mithril.
** If you happen to know me and are interested in playing this adventure, please do not look up the module!